Friday, April 6, 2007

2:44am, and my baby is sick : (

You will never know the kinda of "love" a parent has for their children until you have your own. It's a very powerful kind of love. Completely different kind of love than that of the normal "love" in our lives. It's the kind of love that is truly undescribable.

Carly is sick tonight. This is not the first time she's been sick, but it's the first time she's ever thrown up. (little tummy virus ish -lol) But seeing her get scared from throwing up and not know what is going on, is very hard to watch. I just wish I could take that pain and do it all for her. I CANNOT stand seeing my daughter/everything be in pain or scared. It rips me to pieces.

Carly is my everything. I don't remember what my life was like without her. It's almost as if I never lived without her in my life. She is the person who TRULY, COMPLETELY, LITERALLY completes my life. I wonder who I'd be with out her.

Many of my friends try and tell me "well you shouldn't or you should do this" etc... I just laugh and brush it off my shoulders because when you are a parents there are certain tips you just ignore because you know your child better then anyone else. You sort of just automatically know how to raise them learning right from wrong.

I am very lucky to have my daughter in my life. She has taught me things that NO ONE else could have EVER taught me.

I Love You Carly

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