Saturday, April 7, 2007


I think I have finally figured out my definition of life.

We all hear the expression, "Everything happens for a reason". Well for me, that is the one phrase that gets me through this life I live. I find myself questioning myself on many , "what ifs".
That is the worst thing any human being can ask themselves. There is no such thing as "what if."

I ask myself what if Carly was never here, what would I be like? Does is really matter what I'd be like? The answer to that is, no. God put Carly into my life for a very obviously reason. She brings joy to my life. She sets me strait.

A friend of mine is going through a break up. He told me he wishes he could have maybe done things different. Why worry about that? Yes, it hurts. You miss your love.

You obviously didn't do things different because God did not want you to do things different. This is what God had planned for you. Never question your life. Your life is NOT a guessing game.

The way I look at life is: Life is a one way path. You might stumble and fall on your journey, but that path does not end. It keeps going as long as you want it to. At the very end of that path, God will be waiting for you to judge the way you traveled. Did you speed through life? Did you take short cuts? Did you doubt the Lord?

I was born into this earth for a reason. To be a lesson learner.

Many people question why I do not work. Well here is my most honest answer.

It's not because I don't have a car. It's not because I hate people. It's because I know that my job is being a stay at home mommy. It's what I'm best at. I was a natural at it. Just because I don't have a "job" does not mean I do not have a job.

My job is one of the hardest out there. I don't get paid money to be a 24/7 mommy. I don't get sick days. If I wake up sick, I still have to get up and go. I don't get vacations. I don't get to decide when I want to do things.

But let me tell you all something, this is the best job in the world.

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