Monday, March 19, 2007


So, Saturday night, Brandon and I went out to eat at Pegasus in Malaga. We both got Veal Parm. But I got a soup for one of my sides. I got Shrimp soup. We ate our meals, left, picked up Carly from my moms house, and then went home. Around 12ish, I told Brandon that I wanted to go to bed because I felt sick. So we did. Well don't cha know, around 3am, I got up and threw up. I threw up every 15 - 30 minutes ALL night and ALL morning. When the throwing up finally slowed down, my muscle started to cramp up because of me being dehydrated. It was the WORST pain in the world. I rather have been giving birth to Carly all over again that ever be in that kind of pain. It was horrible.
This morning, I woke up almost 100% better. Finally ate something, and am drinking better. I'm just glad it's all over. That is the second time in 2 years that I've had food poison.
Brandon called Pegasus and don't them he wants his money back because I got sick, and they told him all they could do was give him a gift certificate. Pshh, like I'd ever eat there again lol. I guess it's better than nothing. So that's what has been up the past two days.

1 comment:

EntropicDesign said...

I'm glad you're all better :)